Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bella Stats

Bella is 4 months old now and  is growing up fast.....she amazes us each day with new things she has learned.
Some new things she is doing: Smiles when you talk to her, rolls over back to belly, holds onto toys, sits up with support, eating rice/oatmeal cereal, found her voice...jabbers all the time, enjoys jabbering to family/friends on the phone,  "sings" to music, loves looking around, sleeping about 10-11 hours a night...YaY!!
 Bella had her 4 month checkup and she is doing great developmentally (stated by the doctor), she weighs 12.3 lbs (20%...a little below) and height 24.3 in (49%). She got her 3 shots again and did not do as well this time, she screamed when the nurse gave her the shots and the next day she ran a fever and I had to pick her up from daycare early. She slept most the day/evening and spiked again around bedtime. However she is doing just fine today (2 days after her shots).

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