Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone had a great Easter. Josh and I had a WONDERFUL Easter. We were able to spend a few days with our wonderful family from OHIO, and the ones here in Knoxville!! They were so kind to drive to Knoxville again to celebrate with us. The kids had a great time hunting for Easter eggs and we were able to enjoy a WONDERFUL meal prepared by Dad and Momma G!! Josh and I had a great service at our church...it was one that really hit my heart ( I cried for most of the service) It was amazing!!! Josh and I also did something different this year for Easter, since Susie, Calvin and the girls from OHIO were heading back home after lunch, we volunteered to go with the parents church to KARM ( a homeless shelter) to serve dinner. WOW what an experience, if you have never done it before I would highly recommend it, it so so amazing to know that we were able to serve the LORD by serving others an Easter meal. We both walked away....being thankful for what we have and gaining so much from that experience. You will have to do it at least one time, to understand. It is actually something that we talked about doing again...making it a tradition with us!! We ended the night with another WONDERFUL meal prepared by Momma H, then headed back to Mom and Dad G's to meet Mom G's Boss!! WHAT A GREAT DAY!!!!!! Pictures to come later this week :)

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